硬币按升序堆叠,每个堆叠顶部都有树. 他们在一个白色的背景前面

增长通常是任何企业的首要目标. 在创业初期, we often measure success by observing the growth trajectory of the employee headcount. 

With every new hire a growing business makes, there may be a slight shift in the culture. Added up over time, leaders can often find themselves adrift from the culture they wanted to create. 

There may also come a point where too much success can actually become a challenge. 高速增长是指一家公司以极快的速度成熟. It struggles to hold onto the ideals and processes that made it successful in the first place. 

This is where engagement and culture can be a huge challenge and toxicity can often creep in. 


当团队成长时, 尽早把计划付诸实施是很重要的, 所以当你成长的时候,你会以健康的方式成长. Adopting this approach ensures that employee engagement isn’t at risk and you are less likely to face the huge challenge that many businesses face, 员工流动率高. 

你知道吗?? 在英国,中型企业的平均营业额是 £20,228,523.

There are huge benefits to having a strong focus on employee engagement from day one - starting with the end in mind. 拥有高度敬业员工的公司已经做到了 盈利能力提高21%. They also have 17% higher productivity than companies with a disengaged workforce.

There’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all employee engagement strategy. All businesses are unique so one strategy may be effective for some but not for others. 找到你的策略,并随着你的成长而调整它. Here are a few things to consider when building an engagement strategy for a growing business:

  1. 建立强大的核心价值观

快速的业务增长创造了快速的变化. It’s often difficult for companies to maintain the culture that directed them as a start-up. 每个组织都需要一个基金会. 它定义了公司,以及员工的价值和立场.

Recognition is a great way to reinforce your values to long-term employees. 它还允许您为新手定义它们. 当你认可员工的成就时, 你公开支持他们的行为,让其他员工看到. 这会鼓励员工在未来采取类似的行动. 这也为他们的同事树立了一个标准.

We’ve done our own research on recognition and its effects on employee engagement. 70% of our panel strongly agreed that recognition had a positive effect on engagement. 看看我们的其他发现.

具体并详细地讲述高绩效的故事. By displaying what company values look like in action, the more likely they are to be repeated.

  1. 制定清晰、一致的目标

As an organisation grows, leadership will inevitably need to adjust goals. There will be changes in strategy and new benchmarks based on previous success. 目标是沟通变化的好方法. 他们确保所有员工都能跟上当前的计划.

All employees should have a clear understanding of how their individual goals and day-to-day work affect the team and organisation. Employees who see their work contributing to larger goals will be driven and engaged. 通过设定激励承诺 聪明的目标. 这使个人能够实现他们的目标. Encouraging employees to set these goals helps push performance and serves as a motivator for ongoing development.

  1. 鼓励经济增长 & 员工的变化

There can be times when the employees who have been there from the start are affected by the hypergrowth. 这可能会导致一些困难的对话. 为了防止这种情况的发生,公司需要进行根本性的变革. They have to change and evolve along with the company, a process that isn’t always easy. 他们会习惯某种标准. Keeping up with adjustments in strategies and goals can be difficult. 为了使这个过程更容易,在整个过程中支持他们.

  • One-on-one meetings can be beneficial to employees struggling with the change of a growing business. Managers should ask employees what they think of the changes and what can be done to help the employee adjust. Companies that give feedback consistently report turnover rates that are 14.低了9% 比那些没有收到反馈的员工要好.

  • Feedback allows 经理 to instruct employees and employees to voice concerns or wins back to 经理. 它还允许进行更彻底的性能评估, 因为管理者不可能了解每个员工的最新情况.

  • By giving employees goals to shoot for, you set an expectation for what matters to the organisation. 随着时间的推移,事情发生了变化, the bullseye of employee goals shifts and helps them understand expectations.

  1. 连接领导和员工

Small companies have little problem communicating ideas from organisational leaders to employees. 但随着越来越多的员工十大正规博彩网站评级,这一差距也在扩大. 领导层将失去与员工的联系. This leaves employees unheard and management without the correct information to step in and help.

Leaders set the tone and shape the culture more than anyone else in a business. Research shows that the reasons people quit jobs are often due to their 经理. Making sure that your leaders are engaged with their teams ensures that your business’ culture is a healthy one. 你可以通过员工的反馈来建立一个更强大的领导团队. 这是确定你的领导可能需要什么支持的好方法. Any teams that might be at risk if they haven’t got strong leadership can be identified as well.

Some types of leadership that might ‘persuade’ talented employees to quit their jobs:

  • 不提供反馈的管理者

  • 不了解员工优势的管理者

  • 事无巨细的管理者

  • 鼓励有毒工作环境的管理者

  • 不善于管理的管理者.

As your team continues to grow, you may find it useful to introduce an 匿名员工反馈调查. This can provide a safe way for employees to share how they are feeling at that moment in time. 

It can be a great way to identify risk and emerging issues in a fast growing team. 定期做, 它为你的团队创造了一个清晰的“声音”, 我们知道这是一个高度投入的团队的关键因素. 

在任何工作场所,员工敬业度都是一个关键的关注点, especially those that are undergoing big changes during explosive growth. 要了解Ten Space如何提供帮助,请访问 www.tenspace.co.uk 或电子邮件 enquiries@tenspace.co.uk 我们的人会联系你的.

